Space Apps 2016 - Data Bootcamp

The mission of Science Hack Day is to get excited and make things with science, all are welcome, opening evening tutorials and demos provided on the 22nd, with hacking and merry-making to ensue on the following day. Sunday is reserved for demos and wrap up!

yeah bar


The schedule can be found in the Space Apps Brooklyn page here.

Data Bootcamp

April 22, 2016 6-9PM

The pre-hack data bootcamp and kickoff will be a light mixer to get everyone psyched for science.

6:00PM - Welcome!

6:15PM - Orientation + Munchies

6:30-8:30PM - Stardust Stations - quick demo areas that allow you to learn more about the topics outlined below, think of it as a primer for Science Hacks, and a mini-science fair where you can get to know other participants.

8:30-9:00PM - Wrap-up + Reminders

Hack Day 1

April 23, 2016 9-9PM

First day of hacking on science/space apps projects.

9:00AM - Welcome + Breakfast

11:00AM - Pitch Ideas

11:30AM - Vote on ideas, form teams

12:30AM - Lunch

3:00pm - Informal project checkin

6:00PM - Dinner

9:00PM - Closing, continue hacking or head home and rejoin tomorrow

Hack Day 2

April 24, 2016 9-3PM

Second day of hacking on science/space apps projects, concluding with demos/prizes

9:00AM - Welcome + Breakfast

12:30PM - Lunch

1:00PM - Sign up for demos

2:00AM - Demos begin

3:00pm - Closing and prizes!!


Handouts will provide participants with exercises to guide their visits to each of the following Stardust Stations.

  1. Storytelling: Project Pitch + Picking Teams
  2. Finding Data
  3. Dealing with Data + APIs
  4. Getting Started with Github
  5. Connecting Sensors
  6. Design Hacks


Feel free to peruse the Space Apps Challenges for ideas, or adapt a personal project to follow one of these focus topics:



With you when you fly. #FlyNASA

Space Station

Off the Earth, for the Earth #BeAnAstronaut

Solar System

We're out there. #OutThere


Technology Drives Exploration. #Techsploration


Your Planet is Changing. We're On It. #EarthRightNow


Mars: Join Us On the Journey #JourneyToMars


  1. Getting Help

    Here we'll hopefully answer questions you might have.

  2. Resources

    Here we'll list some persistent resources that you might use throughout the workshop.